PYTHONPATH is a liar. and easy-install.pth tell the truth

March 3, 2014    pythonpath python

Lately I’ve been working in virtualenvs which as been great for developing but not so great for installing. I’ve run into numerous issues where I prepend my PYTHONPATH with the directory I want to get imported first, but to no avail. You’ve run into this: you export PYTHONPATH exactly as you want, only to see that import sys; sys.path includes all kinds of other junk before it!

So, after watching a talk about reverse-engineering virtualenv. I realized I actually don’t understand anything about what python does at startup. So after a lot of searching, I found out that to load packages, Python reads the file. I read about And I found out…..



And where it looks is the *.pth files found in path/to/python/lib/site-packages/*.pth. The biggest culprit is usually easy_-nstall.pth. Mine had all kinds of absolute paths to the bigger Python install that I had to remove.

On my computer, easy-install.pth looks like this:

import sys; sys.__plen = len(sys.path)
import sys; new=sys.path[sys.__plen:]; del sys.path[sys.__plen:]; p=getattr(sys,'__egginsert',0); sys.path[p:p]=new; sys.__egginsert = p+len(new)

So let’s say I never wanted to use my development versions of something, then I’d remove that line from the file. Although eventually this got so much of a problem in my virtualenv at work that at I added the site-packages directory of that python distribution indirectly with ./:

import sys; sys.__plen = len(sys.path)
import sys; new=sys.path[sys.__plen:]; del sys.path[sys.__plen:]; p=getattr(sys,'__egginsert',0); sys.path[p:p]=new; sys.__egginsert = p+len(new)

Because I always wanted to import from the virtualenv FIRST and never look at any other packages if I could help it.

I honestly don’t know how kosher this is but it worked for me. Hope it helps you!

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